Cottage Door

A Few Days With An iPhone 3G[S]
Having owned a 3G iPhone for about a year, I wasn’t too torqued up about upgrading to a 3G[S] given the short list of improvements and cost of upgrading. But now that I’ve spent a few days with the new device, I gotta say, I am impressed. Here are my favorite improvements: (more…)Deleting Your iPhone Data – For Good!
Selling you old iPhone to offset the cost of a new one? So did I. Twice, as a matter in fact. Before you ship it off, you’ll want to delete all your data on you phone. A simple “Restore” through iTunes isn’t enough. Here’s what I did. (more…)iPhone 3G[S] Unboxing Photos
By rcgrabbag | Jun 19, 2009

Fence Post And The Old Mill

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