Tamiya Panther – Full Option R/C Kit

By | Jan 15, 2025
dsc_0832sm.jpg The 5th offering from Tamiya in their R/C tank series is another German model, the Panther. dsc_0827.jpgdsc_0834.jpg Tamiya’s packaging is excellent, as usual. Tucked under the dramatic yet unassuming black package front, is a detailed breakdown of the model’s features as well as a few windows displaying some key parts. In the upper left are the DMD drive controller and the MF-01 effects generator. Below them are the metal sprocket drive wheels, and then the tracks. Moving to the right, the machined aluminum main gun barrel is a nice touch, and finally, the speaker box where all the sounds generated by the MF-01 emanate. Construction is well under way. I can’t be sure, but it seems like the parts count for the Panther is low compared to the last tank I worked on (the Tamiya Leopard). In about 8 hours from opening the box, I was driving the tank around turning the turrent and firing the main gun at imaginary enemies. dsc_1104.jpgdsc_1106.jpg Inside more of Tamiya’s attention to detail is evident. The internal packaging is an engineering marvel. dsc_1109.jpg Hundreds of screws to keep track of. Tamiya puts them in plastic bags with lettered lables on them. I transfer the letter and the contents of the bag to an empty egg carton. I’ll cover the major assembly steps next. I’ll leave out the steps with detail work that doesn’t necessarily contribute to running the tank. dsc_1116.jpgdsc_1117.jpg Step 1. is the assembly of the track tension adjusters. Once installed, they will give you the ability to tighten or loosen the tank tracks’ tension. dsc_1118.jpgdsc_1119.jpgdsc_1120.jpgdsc_1121.jpg Next are the suspension arm bearings. They are installed in the lower chassis hull. dsc_1124.jpgdsc_1126.jpgdsc_1128.jpgdsc_1131.jpgdsc_1132.jpg Suspension arms are installed dsc_1144.jpgdsc_1145.jpgdsc_1146.jpgdsc_1147.jpg Next comes the drive units. They are preassembled unlike the Leopard. dsc_1160.jpgdsc_1161.jpgdsc_1163.jpgdsc_1164.jpgdsc_1169.jpg Lots of wheels. The kit comes with brass bushings, but I replaced them with ball bearings. dsc_1185.jpgdsc_1170.jpgdsc_1172.jpgdsc_1178.jpg The metal idler wheel and drive sprocket. Once these are assembled, all wheels can be mounted to the suspension arms. dsc_1187.jpgdsc_1182.jpgdsc_1183.jpg Tank track installation. The instruction manual calls for removing 4 of the links from each track to use as spares. dsc_1190.jpgdsc_1193.jpg Drive and multifunction boxes go next. At the left is a photo of the main components (from right to left: speaker, MF-01 multi-function unit, DMD-01 drive unit). dsc_1199.jpgdsc_1200.jpgdsc_1203.jpgdsc_1196.jpg Turrent mechansims are installed. The three black disks serve as lateral bearings for the turret rotation on the underside of the deck. On the top of the deck, white nylon bearings on metal shafts support the weight of the turrent and provide a rolling surface for the turret rotation. dsc_1210.jpgdsc_1211.jpgdsc_1212.jpgdsc_1215.jpg Main gun assembly. The black cable is the strobe unit for the gun flashing effect. The strobe itself is in the orange tip of the cable. Next photo is the gun recoil motor followed by the gun elevation motor show it its assembled position on the base of the turret. dsc_1221.jpg Once the turrent mechanisims are installed, the turret is wired to the Multi-function units and dropped in place. Next comes paint and weathering! Once all the functions were tested, I did some disassembly and painted the base coat of Sand Yellow. I airbrushed the green and brown colors and applied the “spots” with a brush. Still have to add detail parts and weathering. Stay tuned… [wordbay]tamiya panther full option[/wordbay]

Originally posted 2015-09-18 19:24:25.

2 Comments so far
  1. Matt Pakenas September 19, 2015 8:15 am

    I see you are a collector of Tamiya R/C products
    I have some new in box kits I would like to sell
    I am really looking to get half of what I paid for them
    I live in xxx, xxxx my phone number is xxxxxxxxxx my name is Matt
    Take care.

  2. rcgrabbag September 25, 2015 1:15 pm

    Hi Matt, Sorry for the delay in responding (was away for past couple of weeks) and thanks for the offer. I haven’t collected Tamiya stuff for a while as I consider my collection goals accomplished. However, perhaps someone else might see your comment and wish to reach out to you. Thanks again!

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