Amiga Toaster/Flyer System Fully Operational

By | Nov 22, 2010
After rearranging some furniture and acquiring a work table, I was able to fully configure my Amiga Video Toaster/Flyer system in an Amiga A4000T computer. This is a pic of the entire system. So far, I’ve managed to capture quite a bit of video, and perform some editing. I hope to have something posted to YouTube shortly. If you’re interested in what makes a complete Amiga Video Toaster Flyer system tick, the equipment pieces from left to right are:
  1. Commodore 1702 monitor – used for previewing video, effects, and editing results.
  2. Commodore 1084S monitor – used for viewing and operating the Toaster/Flyer software
  3. Portable DVD player – Input video source
  4. Amiga A4000T – On the floor under the table. The main computer housing the Newtek Video Toaster and Flyer boards and all hard drives
  5. Amiga 2000 – Also a complete Toaster system (no Flyer), but used only to power two TBC (Time Base Corrector) cards
  6. Amiga A4000 – Desktop model. Also a complete Flyer system, but not used with the A4000T system.
You can follow the complete progress of this project in my original Amiga A4000T article. [wordbay]commodore amiga[/wordbay]

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