Arctic Spyder III vs. Spartan

By | Aug 20, 2010

As luck would have it, my local Rite Aid drug store had the CR123A batteries I needed to power my new Spartan 1 watt blue laser. So, it’s time to put it head-to-head with the Arctic to see which one can rightfully claim the title of “most powerful portable laser”. You might be surprised at the results.

OK, this isn’t the most scientific of tests, but it’s straightforward and provides a clear result. The test involves putting both lasers side by side, aimed at a target a few inches away. The target in this case is the plastic base for a stack of blank CD-R’s. fairly thick plastic about 3/32″ thick. It’s dark in color (dark gray, not black), so it absorbs the laser light energy fairly well.

Both lasers are rated at 1 watt, with the actual optical output rated somewhat lower. Please note that while my test shows a clear winner, this is not by any means a definitive test. Others have been playing around with lenses, batteries, etc., and getting different results than me. I will offer this opinion, that with such different results among the same product, one has to question the manufacturer’s quality control. [wordbay]1 watt laser[/wordbay]

7 Comments so far
  1. Dave August 20, 2010 12:45 pm

    Wow, thats pretty shit. Think I might fuking cancel.

  2. Joel Miller August 21, 2010 11:59 am

    Nice. My patience has finally worn through and I cancelled my arctic order today, after seeing this video. I have ordered from Wicked before and had zero issues. But, the complete lack of information over months coupled with this awesome vid changed my mind. Dragonlasers will get my hard earned money for laser products. Peace and hairgrease

  3. rcgrabbag August 21, 2010 12:10 pm

    Keep in mind these results are by no means conclusive. I’ve gotten replies from at least two other Arctic owners on various forums besides this website stating/showing(video) that their Arctics burns just as quickly if not quicker than the Spartan. Unfortunately, there seem to be many Arctic owners who’ve gotten a weaker laser, DOA, or failure shortly after receiving. And of course, even more people that haven’t even gotten the Arctic they’ve ordered. On these points alone I’d say go with the Spartan. It seems to provide more consistent results, is available, and cost about the same. It just doesn’t have the cool light sabre look.

  4. Joel Miller August 21, 2010 12:27 pm

    Thanks for that, however, I happen to have one of those lightsaber replicas that had the led illumination in the polycarbonite “sword blade” along with the sounds. Anyway, I removed all the electronics and the sword blade and what I had left I turned into a cool flashlight. I’m thinking that this laser installed in this lightsaber “host” would really be impressive. The hilt alone with no batteries weighs about pound already. Needless to say it really does look like a Star wars saber.

  5. LAUGHFACTORY1024 March 9, 2011 12:41 pm

    i like the video but does somebody knows where you can buy one of this products:
    arctic Spyder 3 / spartan ???

  6. rcgrabbag March 9, 2011 1:30 pm for the Arctic, and for the Spartan.

  7. Sim September 9, 2011 12:24 pm

    Which is more durable and more powerful ? Sorry i couldn’t see the video because i am using a celphone now.

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