These kits were sold at Radio Shack and came in many shapes and sizes; anywhere from 10-in-1 all the way up to 300-in-1 and more. My first was the 100-in-1 given to me by my aunt one Christmas. The kit had an ingenious system of “solderless connectors”, in the form of metal springs, to connect the various electrical components together. Pre-cut, color-coded wire was included in the kit. Along with your plethora of transistors and resistors, the kit also had a small solar cell, cds “electric eye”, relay, meter, and speaker.
The kit included a giant instruction booklet with a different project on each page. Each project page provided a description of the project, an explanation of how it worked, a wiring diagram and table to connect the various components together, a schematic, and assorted cartoon “spokespeople” to bring it all together. All in all a very clever way to teach electronics. I built many of the projects, including radios, AM transmitters, electric eye and solar projects.
The centerpiece for the 100-in-1 kit that I had was the “Space-Age Integrated Circuit” as described on the box cover. Hardly space-age by today’s standards, this 60’s piece of silicon wonderment contained a transistor, diode, and few resistors.
Clockwise from left to right are the color-coded wires, telegraph key, magnetic pickup (great for tapping phones), crystal earphone, and 50 feet of antenna wire.
Updated Feb 16, 2009:
Due to popular demand, I have been working on getting the manual in PDF form to make available for download. So far I have a few projects from the manual scanned. You can download the PDF here. Check back as I will be adding more over time.
Click image to download manual.
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dear website maker,
I have a question: I have a science fair box, but I don’t have the manual. Can you scan your manual and send it to me, please?
Greetings from Nienke
Unfortunately, I don’t have a scanner large enough. The pages of the manual are an irregular size and very large. I only have a normal letter-size scanner.
I would also love to get a copy of the manual for my old set that my son is nearly old enough to enjoy but unfortunately my manuel is long since lost.
Maybe if we paid you a few dollars each, we could buy you a new scanner ??
Here’s what I think I can do: I’ll take a picture of each page with a camera and post them. Maybe I can then combine them into a single PDF. Let me work on it and I’ll post some results on this page soon (maybe just a couple of pages to start), so bookmark this page and check back in a couple of days.
I too need the manual and am looking forward to you posting the manual.
It’s a big job, so I work on it when I can. Have you checked ebay for the manual? You’d probably have to buy the whole kit, but they are cheap.
Where can I obtain replacement springs for these kits? The folks at Radiation Shack could not locate any replacement parts.
I have the Science Fair 200 in One electronic project lab with the wires, unit and book if you are interested.
Bruce Curry
Fantastic! When I was a kid I loved those electronics sets… I had a 10-in-1, a huge 150-in-1, and a 25-in-one focussing on solar power. Still at home somewhere…. 😉
Jason, I also have a 10 in One, but have lost the manual. Any chance of getting a copy sent to me PLEASE!!!! I’ve been scouting the net for the last 18 months trying to find a manual or someone else with the 10 in One kit.
My email is gcfisho at ( replace the at with @) …. hoping you can help me out.
I have the Science Fair 160 in kit and manual
I also have a Gakken 15 in 1 kit and manual. Is this like the 10 in 1 above?
Also 2x Science Fair Junior Electronic Project Lab Kits
1 is 28-153 Related to computer/logic circuits with manual
the other is 28-151 and related to radio circuits.
I am in desperate need of a manual for this.
Download the manual using the link above. And don’t use ALL CAPS. It makes it seem as though you are YELLING.
Desperate researching manual for 28-277 50-in-one Radio-Shack Science Fair…
I’m ready to pay for it!
How is the manual comming along ? are you still working on it ?
No, I haven’t done anything with it. But, it’s always helpful to get a poke every now and then to remind me that there’s still a need. I’ll whittle away at it, but it’s a time-consuming process because I have to take photos of the pages (don’t have a scanner large enough for its oversized pages).
Do you have the schematic/pdf for a cat meow? I don’t recall what kit it was in 50/100/200 in One. Ty.
Hi there
I have a Gakken “world of discovery” computer logic lab. That is all that it says on the box – I inherited it from my older brother. Any chance that someone knows where I could find the manual for it?
I, too, had one of these kits in the late ’60s/early ’70s… and was still hacking away with it when I was in my 20s 🙂
The link to the .pdf of the manual seems to be broken and only a zero-size file is available. Would you please re-upload the .pdf?
Hi, thanks for the notice about the broken link. It’s now fixed. Keep in mind this download is not the complete manual, just a few select projects.
Thx for the ‘link repair’ 🙂 Interesting, though, as I don’t remember the ‘characters’ in my version… nor the wiring ‘table’ (it was just a list of ’18-50′, ’22-23’… and you had to decide yourself about which colour to use – only some lengths of wire were long enough to make the connection)… but no doubt, there were some things lost/gained in the translation from the USA to Australia 🙂
Grand memories…
i have found a 160 in one kit and am looking for a pdf possibly for the manual as it was long gone. any help would be greatly appreciated
Sorry, Randy, I don’t have a 160-in-1. They come up on ebay from time to time for real cheap, so I’d grab one if I were you. Not a bad idea to have a spare kit either!
Hello people ! Sorry im not speack english ! Need manuals for my Science Fair 200 in one / 100 in one thanks ! from Argentina. cv(at)
NEED HELP MANUAL 200 IN ONE AND 100 IN ONE please ! is posible answer to cv(at)
if any body can help for free MANUAL 200 IN ONE it will be a very good new year for some body
I made a pdf of the (200 in One) manual if someone needs it. Its not the greatest quality but it should work.
I need the 100-in-1 manual – it was lost when I moved in 2005. I also owned the old 50-in-1 (not the magnetic lab but the one with the meter and the solar cell in the center) as a child. The lab was thrown away many years ago, but I still have the original manual. I’ll scan and create a very professional manual of that one if someone will please make a copy of the 100-in-1 manual for me.
Thanks in advance.
I made a pdf of the (200 in One) manual if someone needs it. Its not the greatest quality but it should work.
I bougth in a garage sale the science fair 75 in 1 electronic project kit from Radio Shack, CAT. NO. 28-247, for my son, he’s in grade 5 and now it’s the time for him to learn about it. But I dont have the manual. I would like to know if anybody can help me please, would be great for him.
thank you
Hello, I’m looking for Radioshack science fair kit schematic and pictorial parts list for RK-100. It’s a solid state audio amplifier. Thanx for any assistance you can give. I’m willing to cover your time. Thanx, George Franchino
I have three of the radioshack project kit manuals (75-in-1, 160-in-1, 200-in-1) and a 130-in-1 Elenco manual. Am willing to invest some time taking pics and compiling into a pdf. For copies – please email me –
I have a 100 n 1 Electronic Project kit complete. Has some extras. would like to sell.
This is awesome. I had the 100 in 1 project pictured at the top. I saved my money for a long time to buy that and I loved it! Thanks for the memories! 🙂
I have the old science fair 50 in one electronic and magnetic project kit from Radio Shack but i am missing the instruction book. How can I get it?
Hi, I’m looking for the manual of the 150 in 1 Electronic Project Kit #28-248 to use with my second graders. Can you send me a PDF file at . My students would be very greatful!
please let us know where we can get offer for 100 in 1 Electronic project lab
Author Jonathan Warfield, the links to the .pdf manual are broken. I see no way to contact you, except via comments.
Ok I will check into it.
Clicking the image of the manual works, but the ‘here’ link was broken. This has been fixed. Thanks for pointing that out.
I am looking for the 50-in-one and the 200-in-one manual if someone has a pdf or a link to them.
Thanks in advance
We have a 50 in one Science Fair kit but the AA battery holster has a broken metal tab on one of the ‘negative’ ends. Any ideas how to fix? Thanks.
The battery holder is a universal part, so you will find them on ebay, Amazon, radio Shack or any other electronics parts distributor.
Just replace the whole holder.
Hi, I am looking for the 100-in-one manual also if someone has a pdf or a link to them.