Tamiya Black Porsche 934 (1977, 2009)

By | Dec 25, 2024

Once the domain of a only a very lucky few, the Tamiya Black Porsche is now available for common folk.

Back in 1976 Tamiya introduced their first RC car kit, the 1/12 scale Porsche 934. It was a such a great success in a such a short times, that it wasn’t long before Tamiya commemorated their triumphant entry into the RC automotive world by producing a limited edition “Black” Porsche 934.

It’s not known for certain what the success trigger was for issuing the Black Porsche. Was it 10,000 kits sold? 100,000? And how many Black Porsche kits did they produce? 1000? No one knows for sure, but everyone is fairly certain that few survive today. Last time an original 1977-issue Tamiya Black Porsche went on sale on ebay (new in the box and unassembled), it sold for well over $6000 USD.

Today you can get a piece of the action for around $200-$300 USD. Tamiya’s reissue machine has cranked out another classic RC vehicle to honor the original, and created a new classic for future generations. In this case, it’s the 1/12 Scale Black Porsche 934.

There are two versions of this kit coming out of the Tamiya’s factory: The “Japanese” version, which includes a canvas carrying bag similar to the bag included with the 1977 kit, and the “Rest Of The World” version that doesn’t get the bag. The good news is, if you want the Japanese version, you might be able to score one on ebay like I did.

So, the kit it arrived this week. Above I’ve shown you pictures of the packaging. Now let’s take a peek inside.

Layer 1 (there are several…it’s like an archeological dig going into this box) greets you first, and if you have the Japanese version, Layer 1 is the black canvas bag folded and packaged neatly on top.

Layer 2 is next. A divider protecting none other than the (drumroll please)…

…black 934 hard plastic body. It’s important to note that the body is about the only thing that resembles the original. The chassis is completely different from the original. What I’m hearing is that the body shell has similar mounting points as the original, so it looks like it can be used as a spare for the original shell.

Layer 3 brings us to another divider protecting the extra polycarbonate body and more parts.

Which brings us to the final layer with yet another divider protecting yet more parts and the manual.

Speaking of the manual, here it is in it’s beautifully illustrated glory.

Lastly, what’s a limited edition kit without a number? I don’t know, but I think it’s cooler if it has a number. Mine here is numbered 00111, which might give some clue as to how many Tamiya plans to manufacture.

So, there you have it. A destined classic for folks like me that missed out on the original.  If you want to get one, you’d better hurry. The word is that manufacturing of this model is done, and no more are available other than what is in sellers’ inventory currently. This model also never made it to U.S. shores for some odd reason, at least not through official channels, so U.S. buyers will have to look to ebay or some other international seller for one. [wordbay]tamiya black porsche[/wordbay]

Originally posted 2015-08-25 18:00:45.

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