Arctic Spyder III vs. Spartan
By rcgrabbag | Aug 20, 2010

As luck would have it, my local Rite Aid drug store had the CR123A batteries I needed to power my new Spartan 1 watt blue laser. So, it’s time to put it head-to-head with the Arctic to see which one can rightfully claim the title of “most powerful portable laser”. You might be surprised at the results. (more…)
Dragon Lasers Spartan 1 Watt Blue Laser

Wicked Lasers S3 Spyder III Arctic Laser
By rcgrabbag | Aug 10, 2010

RGB Virtual Propeller Clock
I don’t know what it is about clocks as of late, but after experimenting with some Nixie Clock kits recently, I couldn’t help but stumble on to one of these ingenious devices. (more…)
Tethering With Jailbroken iPhone 4

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