Merry Christmas!
I shot this last year on December 24, with my last roll of Kodachrome Super 8mm movie film. Kodachrome had been out of production for a number of years, and processing at the last lab on earth that would process Kodachrome (Dwayne’s Photo), was to be discontinued on Dec 31. So, this was my small tribute to Kodachrome and the many memories it helped preserve. Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!

If you’re like me and celebrate Christmas, then let yours be a merry one indeed! Hopefully all of your RC wishes will come true. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
After the Christmas Rush

So where are all the new Canon 5D II’s?
They’re on ebay for prices way over the MSRP. Canon (and others) need to do what Apple did with the iPhone when it was introduced; that is, make enough of them for product launch day so that there isn’t any need to resort to ebay profiteers who bought up all the inventory only to make a fast buck. iPhones just sat on ebay last year while the rest of us who wanted one to actually use simply walked in a store and bought one at the normal price.Chocolate Making Update

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