Overland Models Milwaukee Road F-7 4-6-4 Hiawatha

By | Apr 8, 2023
5D3_0250-Edit The Milwaukee Road is right up there as one of my favorite railroads in terms of equipment used, and the F-7 is one of my favorites of the faves. 5D3_0112-Edit5D3_0113-Edit The Milwaukee Road F-7 4-6-4 was a streamlined “Hudson” type locomotive built by Alco in 1937-38. It pulled passenger consists over the popular Chicago-Twin Cities routes. The F-7’s were fast too – often running over 100mph on their daily routes, making it one of the fastest steam locomotives ever built. 5D3_0250-Edit 5D3_0281-Edit This is the Overland Models HO brass version of the F-7, done up in factory paint. Detail is excellent as expected. A run on a short test track confirmed that it’s an excellent and smooth runner, even after sitting idle for years. I don’t know when these models were originally made, the box gives no indication from what I can see. Maybe it’s marked on the model somewhere, but it’s sitting in a display case now and I’m too lazy to check. I’m guessing it was some time in the 1990’s. If you know, drop me a comment below. 5D3_0252-Edit-2 5D3_0253-Edit 5D3_0236-Edit This one is going into the DCC conversion queue and will get a sound decoder and an LED lighting upgrade. Should look nice in front of a set of Walthers Twin City passenger cars. [wordbay]overland models brass ho[/wordbay]

Originally posted 2015-10-06 20:13:02.

6 Comments so far
  1. Pedro A. Carratalá Cayuelas April 12, 2014 6:34 am

    Estas locomotoras de vapor son estupendas, pero tengo varios problemas:
    Están dichas locomotoras dentro de las normas NEM, o sea, Normas Europeas de Modelismo.
    Donde puedo hacerme en España de un catalogo de todo el material que Vds. fabrican.
    Quedando a la espera de su contestación, sin antes darles las gracias por anticipado, les saluda atentamente

  2. Bart Zuccala November 26, 2016 11:45 am

    After upgrade how much will the Hiawatha sell for?

    Thank you

  3. Kostas March 15, 2017 6:07 am

    Hi! I have 2-10-2 by Ajin\Overland, from Canadian railroads, it’s very smooth runner too, made in 2000. I got it on brasstrains.com
    I think age of your model is 80’s, because color of foam is green. My box is green too, but foam is black. So, this signs can talk you about age of model.
    or see to bottom of model, between wheelset. Small plate with year can be installed in this place, like my steam.

  4. Mark Tetzlaff March 31, 2019 12:25 am

    Dear Sir,

    I’m interested in purchasing the Overland Models Milwaukee Road F-7 4-6-4 Hiawatha Locomotive.

    What is your asking price? Also, is it brass?

    Best and Thanks,

    Mark Tetzlaff

  5. rcgrabbag April 2, 2019 10:25 am

    Hi there, it is not currently for sale. It is brass. These come up fairly regularly for sale on sites like ebay and brasstrains.com, so check those out periodically. On both sites you can put yourself on a list to be notified when they become available for purchase.

  6. Everett January 20, 2025 7:02 pm

    Nice model.

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