RCGrabBag 2.0 Officially Launched!

By | Sep 20, 2007
Well, I said on my old site that I wanted to turn rcgrabbag.com site into a blog, so here it is! I’m still in the early stages of setup, so all the content from the old site hasn’t been moved over yet. So far I have all the videos and store items migrated, but I want to post the remaining content as normal blog posts, allowing you, the reader, to view the material and post back comments. Another goal was to give the site a new look, but I also wanted to make sure that those familiar with the old site could find content easily. To the left is the site index which I set up to include the same categories that were on the previous site. I also ran those links across the top, so stuff should be easy to find. I’ve also included a blog search feature in the right column, so you can find anything on this site with simple search terms. I will be working hard to supply new content often. And you can tell me what you think of it, offer suggestions, tell me I’m a moron (I already know that), etc.

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