The second offering in the famous three-speed line from Tamiya, the Blazing Blazer was an unusual vehicle, modeled after an off-road racing truck.
The first thing that impressed me about the Blazer, was it’s size. At 1/10 scale, it’s the same scale as the majority of Tamiya’s RC cars, but the Blazer is very tall and wide.
This is a close up comparison of the Blazer with the Hilux. The Hilux has a transistorized electronic speed controller while the Blazer’s is strictly mechanical.
Now this is a battery! Vintage (and heavy) 4000mah gave 30min. run times back in the day (1981). Today, ummm, well, it holds a charge pretty well. I’ve used it in my Bruiser and got about 20 minutes, I think. Not too bad for a 25 yr old battery.
Both the Blazer and the Hilux have locking hubs just like real 4wd vehicles did back then. This ‘locked’ the front hubs with the axles for positive 4wd mode.
Underside of chassis shows an abundance of metal parts, as was typical Tamiya construction. Big, beefy brass u-joints actually wore out pretty quickly, but they can be replaced with newer generation steel units from Tamiya vehicles like the F350.
Again, like the real thing, leaf springs are the bouncy part of the suspension here. They’re mighty stiff though, and that makes for a bouncy ride. Not a good thing for a twenty year old RC vehicle and its hard plastic body.
Vintage Hilux and Blazing Blazer video here.
[wordbay]tamiya blazer[/wordbay]
Originally posted 2015-09-30 19:49:37.
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I came upon one of these from a friend for free and it was in his trash pile. Right away i knew it was a tamiya 3 speed with the long tranny. I didnt realize how cool it was until i hooked up the motor with a new speed control and found out it go’s from 2 to 4 wheel dive from the controler! And the locking hubs. Its so real.I love this truck. Why cant they make it like this now a days.
I hear ya. Believe me, alot of folks are asking the same question. Tamiya does offer new three speed trucks, like the Ford F350, and their big rigs, but they are mostly plastic, not metal like the ‘ol days. The new Ford does go from 2 to 4 wheel drive from the controller, but doesn’t offer the locking hubs.
Really i thought it was just the 3 speed. Cool maybe ill pick one up. Does anybody make rims that will fit the old ones. If not how do you put new tires on.
I just looked it up and the article says its full time 4 wheel drive.
Yes, you are right, it is full time 4wd.
bob vov, I’ve seen other F350s with different rims on them. They may be a standard size, but I’m not sure. Check out for readers pics of the F350. I’m sure you’ll see some there.
Hi if i wanted to put different tires on the stock rim would i use a 1.9 inch tire or a 2.2 inch tire…. i think its a 1.9 but just checking
Just did a quick measurement and it looks like 1.9. Definitely not 2.2.
Is this blazer still available?
These are long out of production, but are now collectors items and trade hands fairly frequently on the likes of ebay. Unfortunately, they fetch very high prices.
I have a blazing blaser complete, and was wondering how much they go for
Hey Guys, not sure if anyone still reads these or what, but ive had one of these for a number of years now, got it from a friend who knew i loved it as a kid. Was recently considering getting it going again, but with the prices of these now days was wondering if that was a bad idea. it is in fairly good shape, believe its missing the battery, and its also missing the top wing and controller sadly. Im sure it could be updated to modern stuff but that may hurt it value wise and i would hate to damage such a cool RC. Any help or advice would be great, would consider selling to a collector as well. Thanks.
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It depends on what you want out of the Blazer. If you want to modernize it for running, it should be fairly easy to add a modern speed controller and battery without making any modifications. Use rubber bands and/or zip ties to fasten down the speed controller and put the new battery in the battery box as normal. The servos for modern radios are the same size as they were way back when so there’s no problem there. From that point, your only concern is doing damage to it while driving, but I can’t help you there! Any additional damage will affect the value. You can usually find spare parts on ebay, but they come at a premium. I know there are/were sellers making and selling reproduction top wings for the Blazer, so that might be an option. Good luck!
Ive decided its probably best to sell the Blazer. It would be better for it to sit on a collectors shelf than get used and possibly damaged. Where would the best place be to advertise it at??
You can try or eBay.