Tamiya Can-Am Lola RM Mk.1 (1980)

By | Nov 2, 2023

RM stands for Racing Master. Mk. 1 being the first in the line of Tamiya’s Racing Master kits.

Tamiya egineered the Can-Am Lola as a serious competitive 1/12 scale RC race car. The car introduced many “firsts” for Tamiya.

The Can-Am Lola was the first kit to introduce the famous Tamiya Black Motor. This was considered a high performance upgrade to their standard 540 motor.

The Can-Am Lola was also the first to provide infinitely variable front suspension geometry. It was also the first to offer a ball-raced differential. The differential was all metal (i.e. heavy).

More box art shows details of the mechanical speed controller and differential.

A peek inside the box reveals Tamiya typical packaging of their early era: Blister packs and neatly arranged an labeled parts.

Fiberglass chassis is a work of art. Beveled holes are for flush mounted screws. Body is clear polycarbonate. Decals are adhesive backed.

This was a Lola I built up from a kit. The picture on the right is of the Lola chassis (on the left), next to a new-built Datsun 280ZX RM Mk. 2.

Vintage Tamiya Can-Am Lola promotional video here.

[wordbay]Tamiya Can Am Lola[/wordbay]

Originally posted 2015-10-15 20:20:23.

12 Comments so far
  1. Bud March 12, 2008 11:51 am

    I have a bunch of parts for sale for this if anyone is interested.

  2. paolo May 4, 2008 6:35 am

    Hello 1 Bud, I’m paolo. I’m looking for some spare parts for Lola. bofica@inwind.it

  3. Bud May 5, 2008 9:39 am


    I have the frame, all attached parts except for a few to complete the kit, will get photos. zigeist44@yahoo.com


  4. Mal May 23, 2008 4:55 am

    Hi i need parts, please email me at rcnut@quicksilver.net.nz with anything available

  5. Harry Siebelink October 12, 2008 4:57 am


    I still own a runner, but can anybody help me with a lola body? Any condition will do.


  6. Harry Siebelink October 19, 2008 2:04 pm

    Forgotten; my email is hsiebelink@hotmail.com
    If exsists an aftermarket lexan item will be fine ( haven’t found one yet )


  7. Sam March 26, 2009 1:51 am

    I am looking for the Can Am Lola & Datsun 280ZX
    I am willing to buy the whole car — SAM
    Or any one whent to sell any other Vintage Car
    this type – Email me

  8. Parik May 11, 2009 2:54 pm

    I recently bought a used can am lola in very good conditions. The wing is missing and the two ball bearings from the rear axle are missing. The body is painted in dark blue with non original decals. Does anybody of you have either a wing (with monut), the bearings and the decals? Question: What does a collector say about painting a body from the outside? Do or don’t? Thank you for your replies
    Patrik from Switzerland

  9. rcgrabbag May 11, 2009 4:40 pm

    You should be able to get ball bearings anywhere they sell bearings for RC cars (hobby shops). Generally, painting polycarbonate bodies from the outside is troublesome, but trying to remove paint from polycarbonate bodies is troublesome, too, but some have had success with automotive brake fluid. Check out this video:

  10. buster May 16, 2009 10:22 pm

    i have a can-am lola mk1 remote control car rear bearing and a shell as mine is broken i also need the front and rear bumber and a set of wheels or just the front ones if any body would have these parts or nows where i can get them would be great can u please email me

    thank you

  11. Parik May 20, 2009 8:28 am

    Hey rcgrabbag
    Thanks a lot for your answer and the vid! I’ll try to remove the color as shwon in the short movie because I don’t like to paint the body from the outside.
    Unfortunately I don’t have any parts you are looking for.
    Greetings from Switzerland


  12. rcgrabbag May 20, 2009 9:46 am

    Good luck! I don’t have any need for parts, but some other readers do.

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