The Kubelwagen was Germany’s counterpart to the American M38 Jeep during WWII. Tamiya makes several WWII RC tanks in 1/16 scale, so it’s fitting that they produced the Kubelwagen in 1/16 scale also.
The Tamiya Kubelwagen is a pretty small vehicle at 1/16 scale, so it’s internals are pretty simple. Not much of a suspension, and a tiny little motor to drive the vehicle. The motor in the front is for steering.
The kit comes complete with a radio system that operates in the 40mhz range, so running alongside your tanks won’t be a problem. Just make sure the Kubel runs alongside your German tanks so it won’t be such easy prey for the Allied tanks.
No polycarbonate here. All styrene plastic, meaning a highly detailed finished model, which is what you’d want sitting next to your scale RC tank.
Manual has a photo of the completed model on the front. A nicely detailed model!
[wordbay]tamiya kubelwagen[/wordbay]
Originally posted 2015-06-17 14:22:20.
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Hallo !!!
Eine Frage, gibt es den Tamiya RC-Bausatz von VW Kübelwagen Typ 82
TAM 56012 noch irgendwo zu kaufen ??
Gruß Haberl Johann