Tamiya Mountaineer Restoration Update

By | May 29, 2009
d70_4522-edit1 After a careful wet-sanding with 2000-grit sandpaper, the Mountaineer body is in the process of receiving trim paint. Except for the smallest of details, I generally mask EVERYTHING and spray paint, rather than use a brush. Shown here is the body with the black weatherstripping accents around the windows and molding along the side panels. The rain gutter was painted chrome silver.
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I’ve had this new-built chassis sitting around awaiting the finished body. Re-issues from Tamiya are making jobs like this easier. While expensive, re-issued Mountaineer body kits are available, and contain all those little bits like mirrors, decals, windshields, available in brand-new, pristine condition. d70_4523-edit See the original Mountaineer article for the full story.

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