Tamiya 934 30th Anniversary (2006)

By | Dec 19, 2024
dsc_1509sm.jpg In 1976, Tamiya stormed onto the R/C car scene with the 1/12 scale Porsche 934. dsc_1509lg.jpg In 2006, Tamiya issued a modern day version of the 934. The new version shares little in common with the original beyond the name. The most obvious change is that the hard plastic body has been replaced by a polycarbonate version. A peek inside the box will quickly illustrate Tamiya’s plastic model heritage. The body is a very detailed scale version of the 934 and is made from hard styrene plastic. Styrene was the material of choice for car bodies for Tamiya for several years to come until polycarbonate became more popular. There are separate castings for headlight lenses, signal lenses, windscreens, and many other detail parts. dsc_1507b.jpgdsc01919b.jpg Once the shrink wrap is removed, the inner contents reveals a nice mix of old and new. The colors on the inserts are similar to the original, especially the insert holding the body. There are some nice anodized aluminum parts. Vacu-formed blisters holding the parts are a nice retro touch. dsc_1514b.jpg Engineering schematic box art (a Tamiya staple) shows the chassis layout of the new 934. Not at all like the original, but that’s to be expected, of course. It’s interesting that this kit does not come with a motor. I guess Tamiya figured as a collector’s piece, few will be driven, so why include a motor? [wordbay]tamiya 934 30th[/wordbay]

Originally posted 2015-01-09 05:29:09.

3 Comments so far
  1. mark Beaumont May 5, 2011 9:02 am

    could you please show the pictures of 100 in one lab kit projects again as i dont seem to be able to get them from your pictures link. I Would Be Most Gratefull For Some Circuit Diagrams As Ive Bought The Lab Kit But It Didnt Come Supplied With The Lab Book.
    Best Wishes From M.Beaumont

  2. rcgrabbag May 5, 2011 1:27 pm

    I will fix the link soon. I am in the process of moving my website to a new ISP.

  3. rcgrabbag May 6, 2011 7:59 am

    OK link is fixed. Be sure to refresh your browser when accessing, otherwise you may still get a broken link.

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